There are many ways for alumni and friends to stay connected with Bluffton University, no matter how far you roam.

  • Bluffton: A magazine for Bluffton University alumni and friends, features news of Bluffton students, faculty, and alumni, and is mailed two times a year. A popular feature of the magazine is the Alumnotes section, where alumni share news of new jobs, promotions, marriages, births and more. Submit your alumnote
  • Regular enewsletters are emailed. The alumni enewsletter includes general campus news and announcements, and is sent to all alumni for whom we have valid email addresses. The sports enewsletter focuses on news specifically about Beaver Athletics. To subscribe to receive the sports enewsletter, please contact alumni relations at
  • In person at alumni gatherings, including off-campus events, and Homecoming.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Support current students with an annual gift to the Bluffton Fund

Make sure we have your current contact information in order to receive the magazine, enewsletters and news of alumni events.